CESSDA ERIC in a Nutshell

CESSDA stands for Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, and ERIC represents the European Research Infrastructure Consortium.

CESSDA offers extensive, integrated, and sustainable data services to the social sciences, uniting social science data archives across Europe. Its mission is to promote social science research results and support national and international research and cooperation.


The CESSDA Strategy 2023-2027 outlines three key strategic themes, each with a specific priority:

  • DATA - Enhancing Metadata and Data Interoperability
  • PEOPLE - Fostering Connections
  • LANDSCAPE - Shaping the European Research Landscape


These are supported by CESSDA's core values:

  • Building on TRUST
  • Renowned for TRAINING
  • Expanding through WIDENING & OUTREACH
  • Proficient in TECHNOLOGY
  • User-friendly TOOLS & SERVICES


CESSDA fosters trust in social science research by ensuring high-quality data is preserved for future research. As trusted repositories, CESSDA Service Providers demonstrate their reliability to researchers and research funders alike.

CESSDA supports ongoing learning and training for its Service Provider staff, the social science user community and partners. Learning, Training and Widening activities coverresearch data management, data discovery and reuse, digital preservation, data archiving, and CESSDA tools and services.

Technology underpins CESSDA's technical infrastructure, providing a stable and up-to-date foundation for our platforms and user-friendly tools and services, making it easy to deposit and access data.


More information:

CESSDA Strategy 2023-2027 (pdf)

Introduction to CESSDA - video