
CONSORTIUM: 16 Beneficiaries + 6 Linked Third Parties
CESSDA ROLE: Beneficiary
DURATION: 2019 - 2023
BUDGET: EUR 2 992 035

Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective (HumMingBird)

The significance of migration as a social, political, and broader public concern has intensified significantly over the last few years. Migration is increasingly seen as a high-priority policy issue by many governments and within our societies.

The project’s overall objective is to improve the understanding of the changing nature of migration flows and the drivers of migration. It will also analyse patterns, motivations, and new geographies. Moreover, HumMingBird aims to calculate population estimates, determine
emerging and future trends, and identify accordingly possible future implications of today’s policy decisions.

The CESSDA team consists of CESSDA Main Office and EKKE (Greece) and IEN (Serbia) as Linked Third Parties. Its main contribution will be in identifying migration data systems and the coherence of definitions, exploring the links between migration policies and migration dynamics, as well as considering ethical matters. One of the deliverables is a thematic Migration Data Catalogue.

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