CESSDA Trust Landscape event
Trust is an essential part of open science, FAIR, and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This webinar provides an overview of the recent developments in Trust activities, focussing on SSH domain and Europe.
Topics covered include repository certification, curation and preservation levels discussion, community principles, metrics, and current initiatives within and beyond Europe. The webinar's main target group is CESSDA organisations but it is open to all.
15:00-15:15 Welcome and introduction - Trond Kvamme, Sikt
15:15-15:30 News from EOSC TF on Long-Term Data Preservation - Hervé L’Hours, UKDS, Task Force Co-chair
15:30-15:45 New CoreTrustSeal requirements - Mari Kleemola, FSD, CoreTrustSeal Board member
15:45-16:00 Discussion - Trond Kvamme, Sikt
The webinar topics are covered in A brief activity report on progress in Trust activities across the SSH domain. We invite everyone to provide us feedback there before, during and after the webinar. The report will be open for comments until 24th November.