
Image: Alexandre Pellaes via Unsplash


As part of the eRImote project, CESDA UK Data Service is leading Expert Group II: Data sharing, Data access and security. You are free to register and join!

eRimote Expert Group 2. Meeting 3 - Licensing and contracts and the other formal agreements put in place between involved organisations


As part of the eRImote project, CESSDA UK Data Service is leading Expert Group II: Data sharing, Data access and security.

The Expert Group will consider how we manage and enable timely and effective access to data, whilst upholding security and ensuring obligations to data owners are met.

The outcomes of the discussion from the Expert Group meetings will be compiled into D3.3 Summary report on workshops and expert groups, made also available to all Expert Group members, which will further feed into the eRimote EU Green Paper to foster the transition to a digital/remote provision of research infrastructure services across all RI domains.

If you are a Research Infrastructure manager, coordinator or user of Remote and/or Digital Access services, you’re warmly welcome to join!

The first meeting took place online on November 22, 2023 and looked at data classification models and related modes of access.

You can also register for the next 3 meetings of the Expert Group below:

  • Authentication and authorisation of users and RI staff to ensure safe/appropriate access occurs (10:00-12:00 CET 14th December 2023) REGISTER HERE
  • Licensing and contracts and the other formal agreements put in place between involved organisations (10:00-12:00 CET 24th January 2024) REGISTER HERE
  • Infrastructure security measures, especially identifying relevant standards or certifications (10:00-12:00 CET 28th February 2024) REGISTER HERE

Event details

Start time
Wed 24 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
End time
Wed 24 Jan 2024 12:00 CET
Skill level
CESSDA-UK Data Service