
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Mon 3 May 2021 - GESIS Blog

Altmetrics (1): Neue Wege der Vermessung und Bewertung wissenschaftlichen Outputs

Einzelne Forschende stehen zunehmend im Fokus der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Bereits seit einigen Jahren, aber nochmal beschleunigt durch die momentane Situation, erschließen sich neue Wege der P...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Fri 30 Apr 2021 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Report on the webinar "Archiving Social Media Data – Challenges and Proposed Solutions"

This report summarizes the relevant information on the CESSDA New Data Types webinar as an additional written record to the video recording and the published slides. The webinar “Archiving Social M...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Fri 30 Apr 2021 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Linking Surveys and Digital Trace Data - An introduction and guide for researchers

An increasing number of researchers in the social sciences use digital trace data to answer a variety of research questions. While these data have certain advantages over survey data, such as being...

Data Impact Blog
Thu 29 Apr 2021 - Data Impact Blog

The Fruits of Data Citation – new growth (1)

Dave Rawnsley and Chris Daly explore usage of the UK Data Service’s international and census data.

Mon 26 Apr 2021 - GESIS Blog

Swiss cheese and MICE: Harmonizing instruments with multiple imputation

This time, we apply multiple imputation to harmonize data for the same construct measured different instruments. We will treat data as swiss cheese and then unleash mice, sorry MICE, on it. The app...

Thu 22 Apr 2021 - AUSSDA Blog

Fast, Up to Date and Accessible Worldwide: Data Sharing in Times of a Pandemic

A year of the pandemic - that also means a year of data production. The AUSSDA project "COVID-19 Data Fast Track Publishing" collected research data and quickly made them accessible. Now the follow...