
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Data Impact Blog
Tue 6 Oct 2020 - Data Impact Blog

How does the minimum wage impact on employment and hours?

James Cockett, one of our #DataImpactFellows, discusses research he undertook with colleagues at the Institute for Employment Studies to investigate the impact of the introduction of the National L...

Wed 30 Sep 2020 - GESIS Blog

Über die Kunst, Phänomene in den Sozialwissenschaften messbar zu machen

Eine wichtige Herausforderung der sozialwissenschaftlichen Umfrageforschung besteht darin, nicht direkt beobachtbare Merkmale (Phänomene) von Personen oder Personengruppen zu definieren und messbar...

Data Impact Blog
Tue 29 Sep 2020 - Data Impact Blog

Algorithms and ghosts

Stuart Mills concludes his series on data policy theory, exploring simulcara, doppelgangers and how much we really exist in a virtual world.

Thu 24 Sep 2020 - AUSSDA Blog

Three questions for ... Flooh Perlot

With the Democracy Radar, Flooh Perlot and his team at the Austrian Democracy Lab analyse the attitudes of the Austrian population towards questions of democracy. The researchers survey about 9,000...

Data Impact Blog
Thu 24 Sep 2020 - Data Impact Blog

Creating new poverty measures for the UK

The Social Metrics Commission has developed a new measure of poverty, which the UK Government has committed to build on to develop experimental statistics.

CESSDA on Zenodo
Wed 23 Sep 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Harmonised data for comparative research [Information sheet]

Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries, especially data at the level of individual people and households (microdata). More and more international databases ar...