
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 28 Jul 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Hessische Forschungsdateninfrastruktur HeFDI - FDM als Landesinitiative

The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 28 Jul 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Gemeinsam statt einsam: Beispiele für ein vernetztes Forschungsdatenmanagement

The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 28 Jul 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Was bietet das GESIS Datenarchiv an?

The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 28 Jul 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Open Science und FAIR Data

The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 28 Jul 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CESSDA Series on Variable Harmonization: Documentation and Best Management Practices

Dr. Kristi Winters (GESIS) and Janek Bruker (formerly of GESIS) discuss social science metadata and standards for documenting harmonized social science data. This is video 4 in a series of 4 videos...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 28 Jul 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CESSDA Series on Variable Harmonization: International Standard Classification

Dr. Kristi Winters (GESIS) and Janek Bruker (formerly of GESIS) discuss the use of international standard classifications when harmonizing social science data. This is video 3 in a series of 4 vide...