
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Data Impact Blog
Wed 3 Oct 2018 - Data Impact Blog

Our Q-step interns look back over their time with us

This summer, we were lucky enough to have Manchester students Rabia Butt and Klara Valentova joined us for a Q-step internship. Q-Step was developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quant...

Data Impact Blog
Mon 1 Oct 2018 - Data Impact Blog

Is being the first in your family to attend university a sign of success of Widening Participation?

Morag Henderson and Nikki Shure investigate whether being the first in a family to attend university is a good indicator of the success of the Widening Participation agenda.

Data Impact Blog
Thu 27 Sep 2018 - Data Impact Blog

Do the arts help defend against cognitive decline and dementia in older people?

Daisy Fancourt explores whether arts and cultural activities can protect against cognitive decline and dementia.

Data Impact Blog
Wed 26 Sep 2018 - Data Impact Blog

Hacking data on nutrition and greenhouse gas emissions

What happened at the GGDOT Hacknight in Manchester, when people explored the National Diet and Nutrition Survey and a dataset looking at greenhouse gas emissions associated with food?

Data Impact Blog
Mon 24 Sep 2018 - Data Impact Blog

The income satisfaction paradox among pensioners in Europe

Liisa-Maria Palomäki explores the paradox between higher financial satisfaction and lower income for pensioners in Europe, using data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditi...

Data Impact Blog
Thu 20 Sep 2018 - Data Impact Blog

The impact of Brexit uncertainty on UK exports

Oliver Exton, one of our Data Impact Fellows, explores how uncertainty over Brexit is affecting firms which export.