External news and posts
CESSDA SaW Case Study on Using Benefit and Cost Tools
This case study from the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) on using cost and benefit tools is based on their experience of using some pre-existing tools. It examines how some existing benef...
CESSDA SaW Case Study on the Use of the ESDS Economic Impact Study
This case study from the UK Data Service examines how the economic impact study of the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) published in 2012 has been used in funding advocacy. Key lessons learn...
CESSDA SaW Benefits Factsheet
The Benefits Factsheet sets out key approaches you can use to think about and identify benefits from your data archive for different stakeholders; some of the main arguments for benefits and the ev...
CESSDA SaW Case Study on User Satisfaction Surveys
This case study from the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP) examines user satisfaction measurement via online surveys. It focuses on the overall picture for surveys in social science data...
CESSDA SaW Benefits Summary for a Data Archive
The CESSDA SaW Benefits Summary for a Data Archive is a social science specific implementation of the Keeping Resource Data Safe (KRDS) Benefits Framework. It can be used as a draft for identifying...
CESSDA SaW Archive Development Canvas (Detailed Version)
The Archive Development Canvas (Detailed Version) is the CESSDA SaW implementation of the Business Model Canvas. You can use it as a brainstorming tool for the value proposition and development of...