External news and posts
CESSDA SaW D2.4: Stakeholder workshop report 2
This report provides information on the 3rd CESSDA SaW workshop aimed at establishing an informal collaborative network between current CESSDA members and potential partner countries on “Widening t...
CESSDA SaW D2.5: Stakeholder workshop report 3
This report provides information about the 2nd SaW project workshop aiming at the current members and Service Providers within the CESSDA consortium on “Trust and Technical Aspects within the CESSD...
CESSDA SaW D2.6: Final Dissemination Event Report
This report provides information on the CESSDA SaW Final Conference “Strengthening and Widening of the European infrastructure for Social Science data archives” aimed at presenting the outcomes of...
CESSDA SaW D3.1: Heuristic Maturity Development Model
The CESSDA SaW Capability Development Model (CESSDA-CDM) is a structured collection of elements that identify and describe the characteristics of effective preservation processes and activities. Bu...
CESSDA SaW D3.2: Country report on development potentials
The report identifies gaps for further development of data archives services (DAS) in each country by exploring the wider ecosystem of data sharing culture, organisational setting and service opera...
CESSDA SaW D3.5: Report on the state-of-the-art, obstacles, models and roadmaps for widening the data perimeter of the data services
The task reviewed the state of play regarding specific data domains (data provided by academia, official statistics including administrative data, historical, health data and big data that means ex...