External news and posts
CESSDA ERIC: Ein paneuropäisches Netzwerk sozialwissenschaftlicher Datenarchive
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
Harmonised data for comparative research [Information sheet]
Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries, especially data at the level of individual people and households (microdata). More and more international databases ar...
CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide: Forschungsdatenmanagement Training Tool
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
Linking Twitter & Survey Data [online workshop]
Twitter has become an important data source for many social scientists. While using data from Twitter can help to avoid or alleviate some of the issues related to self-report data, such as social d...
Want to collect personal data? An introduction to processing personal data for research purposes [Webinar]
This webinar covered management in data life-cycle and what to consider before data collection, storage, sharing and archiving. The aim was to enable researchers and others working with personal da...
Data management and planning for open science
Alexandra Stam, from FORS, explained basic concepts of open science and importance of data sharing according to FAIR principles, pointed out new requirements from funders and journals, and explaine...