External news and posts
D7 Tool(s), method and policy for monitoring developments and activities at CESSDA member and partner SPs, in member and partner countries, and at EU level
Monitoring the state and development of CESSDA SPs has always been an important part in CESSDA projects. Monitoring makes it possible to recognise gaps and propose development of different tools, s...
D6 Summary Report CESSDA Newsletter 2022
The document provides a brief overview of the publication of the CESSDA Newsletter during the year 2022 together with a summary of the newsletter's development during the two-year CESSDA ERIC Agend...
D5 Summary Report CESSDA Newsletter 2021
The CESSDA Newsletter for Data Service Professionals started as a pilot during the Mentorship Programme 2020, in response to a demand for an easily accessible overview of relevant training opportun...
D1 Report from the Mentorship Programme 2021-2022
The CESSDA Mentorship Programme offers one-to-one support where CESSDA partners and new member SPs requesting support are matched with experts active in the program. The purpose is to help the ment...
D8 Monitoring report on the organisation and funding of SPs in CESSDA member and partner countries
This document combines a comprehensive report on the organisational environment and funding issues of service providers in CESSDA ERIC member countries with a more general description of the situat...
D3 Report on Resource Directory Activities in 2022
This document describes activities carried out in 2022 within the cross-pillar task CESSDA Resource Directory (RD). The main activities during the year included the completion of a policy and devel...