
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Mon 2 May 2022 - DANS News

Play the SSHOC League of Data Game

Het bericht Play the SSHOC League of Data Game verscheen eerst op DANS....

SND News
Mon 2 May 2022 - SND News

IASSIST: How do we build a successful data infrastructure consortium?

On 7–10 June, the IASSIST 2022 conference takes place in Gothenburg, with SND as their host organization. The conference focuses on data-related matters in the Social Sciences and Open Science. The...

Mon 2 May 2022 - DANS News

Preparing a training on EOSC? Follow our online train the trainer workshop!

Het bericht Preparing a training on EOSC? Follow our online train the trainer workshop! verscheen eerst op DANS....

Mon 2 May 2022 - DANS News

Implementation and adoption of the FAIR data principles

Het bericht Implementation and adoption of the FAIR data principles verscheen eerst op DANS....

Thu 28 Apr 2022 - AUSSDA Blog

Data Carpentries for Social Sciences

Registration closed

Data Impact Blog
Tue 26 Apr 2022 - Data Impact Blog

The In Action Series: Training the Innovators of Tomorrow

Claudia Zucca, Plato Leung and Werner Liebregts introduce a dynamic approach to teaching data-driven entrepreneurship in the Netherlands.