External news and posts
UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows 2023: Niels Blom
We are delighted to announce Niels Blom as one of our Data Impact Fellows for 2023. In this post Niels shares a bit about his background, his current work and research and what he hopes to get out...
How do you sleep? – Discovering the Interdependence between Sleep, Knowledge, and Technology
Scientific knowledge about sleep is anything but unequivocal. This ambiguity poses problems and uncertainties for sleep medicine and individuals in their everyday lives. How to examine how knowledg...
FAIR Digital Objects & FAIR Signposting
Het bericht FAIR Digital Objects & FAIR Signposting verscheen eerst op DANS....
Improved search and more data to find
Het bericht Improved search and more data to find verscheen eerst op DANS....
Spletni seminar ADP: raziskave s področja etničnih in migracijskih študij v Sloveniji [posnetek seminarja]
V ADP smo oblikovali zbirko podatkov s področja etničnih in migracijskih študij. Namen tematske zbirke je povečati preglednost raziskav, ki so že objavljene v ADP in pridobiti nove, ki osvetljujejo...
Crossing borders without leaving – sharing secure data internationally
In this post, Beate Lichtwardt from the UK Data Service and Deborah Wiltshire from the GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences discuss an exciting new initiative to enable secure data to be...