External news and posts
Herausforderungen der Datenharmonisierung: AUSSDA bei der 75. Annual WAPOR Conference
Otto Bodi-Fernandez (AUSSDA Graz) nahm an der Konferenz der World Association of Public Opinion Research in Dubai teil
Challenges of data harmonisation: AUSSDA at the 75th Annual WAPOR Conference
Otto Bodi-Fernandez (AUSSDA Graz) participated at the conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research in Dubai
Top tips for working with sensitive text data
Dr Diego Arenas from DataKind UK shares his top tips for working with sensitive text data.
Retrospect: Training on European Open Science Cloud
The post Retrospect: Training on European Open Science Cloud appeared first on DANS....
Race and migration in numbers
The release of census 2021 data on migration and race provides evidence on how the population is changing. Nigel de Noronha seeks to provide advice on what data is available about race and migratio...
The Experts’ Expert Podcast
Over the last year the UKDS gas started a podcast called “The Experts’ Expert”. We’ve chosen a few of our favourite episodes, and you can listen to them on this page or find all the epi...