
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Thu 5 Aug 2021 - GESIS Blog

Wie die AstraZeneca-Kontroverse die COVID-19 Impfempfehlungen von medizinischen Fachkräften beeinflusst

Eine frühere Version des Beitrags wurde am 7. Juni 2021 unter dem Titel „How German health workers’ views on vaccine safety can be swayed by the AstraZeneca controversy” im LSE COVID-19 Blog der Lo...

Data Impact Blog
Wed 4 Aug 2021 - Data Impact Blog

Older and…? The challenges of accessing demographic statistics within the ageing population

Tom Wilson from Independent Age discusses the ‘data accessibility gap’ in the representation of sub-groups of older people and introduces the In Focus: Experiences of older age in England report....

Data Impact Blog
Thu 29 Jul 2021 - Data Impact Blog

For Replicability Sake! The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Data Management

Esmeralda Bon, one of our #DataImpactFellows, reflects on how challenging – and essential – good data management is.

Thu 22 Jul 2021 - GESIS Blog

The EU in Times of COVID-19 – Together into a Future Based on (more) Solidarity?

The outbreak of the COVID-19-pandemic in spring 2020 put solidarity within the European Union to the test and called for far-reaching responses by all member states to mitigate the pandemic’s effec...

Tue 13 Jul 2021 - AUSSDA Blog

Three questions for… the project team "Learning in a State of Emergency"

How have pupils experienced the school closures caused by the pandemic? And what ideas do they have for the future of education? Sociologists from the Centre for Social Innovation have conducted re...

Tue 13 Jul 2021 - GESIS Blog

Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst uns endlich Daten sehen. Datenmanagement mit der neuen Projektwebseite DDP-Bildung

Der im Titel zitierte Aphorismus des Schweizer Politologen und Gesundheitsökonoms Dr. Gerhard Kocher spielt auf das Verfügbarmachen von Forschungsdaten an, das inzwischen in der Forschungsarbeit ni...