News from CESSDA

Surveybanken: A New Way to Disseminate Survey Data
Surveybanken (The Survey Bank) introduces an innovative approach to disseminate survey data. By combining full-text indexing, instant visualisations, and a built-in data analysis tool, it makes survey data accessible to everyone, not just experts. Developed by Sikt (formerly NSD), the dissemination service is built on top of Sikt's Research Data Platform.

FIDELIS Project to establish a network of trustworthy digital repositories
Earlier this year, the new EU funded project FIDELIS kicked off in Helsinki, Finland. The project will harmonise the definition of what makes a digital repository trustworthy in the context of the EOSC. It will provide a framework for repositories to support each other, not only in becoming, but also in remaining trustworthy and FAIR-enabling (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) over time.

CESSDA Director Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch Joins DDI Executive Board
Following a special election, CESSDA’s Director, Dr. Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch, will be joining the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Alliance’s Executive Board.

EMM Survey Registry seeks contributions
Following the webinar co-organized by ESFRI, SSHOC, Horizon Europe, and the National research Foundation of Ukraine, there was significant interest in mapping surveys on Ukrainians living across Europe.

Meet Prof. Katrin Weller, the new head of the GESIS data archive
In March last year, Professor Katrin Weller took over as the new Scientific Director of the Department for Data Services for the Social Sciences (DSS) at GESIS in Cologne (Köln). But who is Professor Katrin Weller?

New Chair and Vice Chair for CESSDA’s General Assembly
AUSSDA’s Matthias Reiter-Pázmándy has been elected as the new chair of CESSDA’s General Assembly. Sikt’s Vigdis Kvalheim replaces him as the vice chair.