
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
Tue 14 Jun 2022

On 22 June 2022, members of the General Assembly of CESSDA will meet in Bergen and online. Prior to the meeting, a Directors’ meeting will be held with the Directors of the Service Providers.

Items to be discussed include the new CESSDA strategy for 2023–27 aiming to connect data with people in a changing landscape, governance aspects, and future activities.

One clear aim of the strategy is to harvest CESSDA’s pool of expertise and knowledge to better guide the social sciences community through the ongoing digital and societal transformation.

Ahead of the meeting, CESSDA Director, Dr Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch, shared her thoughts in a letter, of which the main elements are presented below.

“The unique and sought after expertise of managing research data equips CESSDA ERIC to serve other communities. CESSDA recently started to offer data solutions to contribute to societal challenges and reached out to non-traditional stakeholders and arenas.

The world is becoming increasingly complex and multifaceted. The expectations and requests placed on scientists and service providers by policymakers and society are likely to increase even more. And with more responsibility, more leadership is needed.

CESSDA ERIC is well-positioned to take the lead and to serve the social sciences and other research communities and society at large.

We can succeed by better mobilising and combining our resources, the CESSDA Main Office, our members and Service Providers. We can build on our strategic partnerships and reach out further to the research community.

I see this as both a moment to consolidate past achievements, but also a great opportunity to harvest CESSDA’s immense pool of knowledge and enthusiasm. Together, we will guide the social sciences community through the ongoing digital and societal transformation.

It is a challenging task, but it will be an exciting journey, and one that we will take together.


Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch,

Director of CESSDA ERIC.”

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Find out about CESSDA Governance.