
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
Open Call for Volunteers: Join the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board
Wed 10 Aug 2022

Apply now to join the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board. Help raise awareness of digital methods in SSH and improve the discoverability of existing resources.

The infrastructures behind the sustainability of the SSH Open Marketplace, CESSDA, CLARIN and DARIAH, are welcoming applications to appoint 7 to 10 volunteer moderators as members of the Editorial Board. Please apply before 5 September 2022.

The SSH Open Marketplace is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows.

The Editorial Team, liaising with the service providers and the end-users of the service (SSH researchers and support staff for researchers) ensures the technical running of operation, the effectiveness of the curation process and the editorial policy’s successful implementation. The Editorial Board already has 8 members, appointed by the three infrastructures.

What should I do as a member of the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board?

  • You will be joining a motivated and fun team, dedicated to raising awareness of digital methods in SSH and improving the discoverability of existing resources.
  • Depending on your interests, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the (meta)data quality of resources dedicated to a given research community (i.e. linguistic resources) or of specific content types (i.e. training materials).
  • If you are interested in curation, you will have the possibility to contribute to specific curation tasks, such as vocabulary curation or running the Jupyter Notebooks that inform the curation priorities set in the Marketplace.
  • As a member of the Editorial Board, you can also contribute to the dissemination and training of the SSH Open Marketplace, by organising hands-on sessions with end-users. A small budget is available to support these activities.
  • You will be attending meetings of the Editorial Board once every six weeks.

Commitment to the Editorial Board is planned for a first period, going until December 2023. Please note that becoming a moderator of the SSH Open Marketplace is not a paid position. Nevertheless, depending on your home institution, options to declare your time as moderator as in-kind contributions for CLARIN, CESSDA and DARIAH ERICs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How much time will I have to dedicate to the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board?

  • Because this is a volunteer position, you are free to choose the involvement you want to have in the Board. Existing members consider that 1 Person-Month per year (so ~1.5 days per month) could be a good starting point. Let us know in your application how much time you are willing to invest in this role.

And concretely, what will I have to do as a member of the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board?

Here are a few examples of the kind of tasks you will be doing if you join the team:

  • Improving or helping to create 10-15 records per month of the SSH Open Marketplace. 
  • Liaising with research communities to ensure “their” resources are well represented in the SSH Open Marketplace. 
  • Coordinating or contributing to specific curation tasks, such as keyword curation or actors curation. 
  • Organising a hands-on event with a given research community to spread the word about and curate the SSH Open Marketplace.  

Evaluation process

The current members of the Editorial Board will be reviewing applications within three weeks and all applicants will receive an answer soon after that. Criteria such as gender-balance, career stages, area of expertise, country of affiliation will be considered in the decision process to ensure that the Editorial Board reflects the diversity of the research communities we are committed to serve.    

Apply to join the Editorial Board

If you are interested in joining the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board, please apply by giving us some information on your profile and main areas of interest.

Please apply before 5 September 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Laure Barbot, Chief Moderator of the Editorial Board

More information