
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
Two virtual workshops on remote RI training, data security and remote operations
Mon 5 Sep 2022

The first two virtual workshops are coming up. Join us for active discussions and sharing of experience!

CESSDA is participating in a new EU-funded project with three of its Service Providers: UK Data Service, ISSDA, and FORS.

The eRImote project is the first to consider solutions for digital and remote service provision across RI domains and to look for transferable practices and new developments that will improve accessibility and resilience of RI infrastructures.

The first two virtual workshops are coming up:

The workshops are open to anyone interested in the topics. Core facility staff at Research Infrastructures are particularly invited to attend. Join us for active discussions and sharing of experience!

More information:

The eRImote kick-off meeting took place as a hybrid event on 28–29 June 2022 in Hamburg, Germany. Find out more on the project website.