
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
The 4th COORDINATE Transnational Access Visits call launched!
Wed 6 Sep 2023

On 4 September 2023, COORDINATE project launched the fourth call for the COORDINATE Transnational Access Visits (TAVs). This programme enables researchers of children and youth wellbeing to visit European research institutions/universities and access the most relevant European birth cohort, panel and cross-sectional survey data.

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to spend 1-3 working weeks at one of the seven partner institutions, gain access to data, conduct their own research, benefit from the support of local experts, and expand their skills.

Applicants’ travel costs, accommodation, and subsistence will be reimbursed as specified in the call. The call is open to academic researchers (including PhD students), policy practitioners, or other researchers from not-for-profit organisations or registered companies in the EU and associated countries.

The deadline for application is  4 October, 2023

Resources for Potential Applicants: 

· TAV FAQ page

· Guidance for writing your application

· Blog posts from previous TAV visitors 

· Videos of pitches from each partner institution


If you have any questions about the TAV programme, 

please email Andrea Maynard at


Read about some of our previous TAV scholars: 

Three wonderful weeks with the ELFE team at INED in beautiful Paris!