
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
Lithuania’s research community join forces to become a member of CESSDA ERIC
Tue 3 Dec 2024

On 14th of November CESSDA’s Director presented CESSDA ERIC and the European landscape at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of the Kaunas University of Technology (KUT).

The overall theme of the conference was how to strengthen Lithuania’s potential in the Humanities and Social Sciences through LiDA, the Lithuanian Data Archive and its envisaged membership in CESSDA. The event also included the announcement of a national advisory board made up of representatives from other Lithuanian Universities from the social sciences and the humanities, and representatives from the cultural heritage, NGOs and opinion poll sector. This inclusive approach may have the potential to lay the base for a future Lithuanian SSHOC. 

More information about LiDA

Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities is a virtual digital infrastructure for SSH data and research resources acquisition, long-term preservation and dissemination. It provides access to more than 600 data and research resources. All the data and research resources are documented in both Lithuanian and English according to international standards. Access to the resources is provided via this Dataverse repository. LiDA curates different types of resources and they are published into catalogues according to the type: Survey Data, Aggregated Data (including Historical Statistics), Encoded Data (including News Media Studies), and Textual Data. Also, LiDA holds collections of social sciences and humanities data deposited by Lithuanian science and higher education institutions and Lithuanian state institutions (Data of Other Institutions).