
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash

News from CESSDA

CESSDA is hiring a Technical Officer!
Mon 14 May 2018

CESSDA is hiring a Technical Officer!

We are looking to hire a Technical Officer to work at CESSDA Main Office in Bergen, Norway.

New FNESdata portal provides a new way to compare election study data in Finland
Thu 26 Apr 2018

New FNESdata portal provides a new way to compare election study data in Finland

The new FNESdata Longitudinal Survey Metadata Portal of the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) allows users to examine the variables in the combined data of four Finnish National Election Studies (2013–2015).

First “train the trainers” workshop provides new skills on research data management
Wed 25 Apr 2018

First “train the trainers” workshop provides new skills on research data management

The first "train the trainers" workshop on the RDM Expert Tour Guide took place on the 12 and 13 April in Ljubljana, organised by the local CESSDA Service Provider ADP. It trained trainers on how to use the guide as a base for introducing researchers to the various activities of research data management.

Results of the CESSDA SaW project highlighted on European Commission CORDIS website
Tue 10 Apr 2018

Results of the CESSDA SaW project highlighted on European Commission CORDIS website

The results of the CESSDA SaW project have been published on the European Commission's CORDIS website.

Survey reveals user satisfaction with Finnish archive's services and data
Wed 28 Mar 2018

Survey reveals user satisfaction with Finnish archive's services and data

Customers seem to be satisfied with the services and data offered by our Finnish Service Provider.

High attendance by researchers and trainers at CESSDA Love Data Management webinar
Thu 8 Mar 2018

High attendance by researchers and trainers at CESSDA Love Data Management webinar

During the Love Data Week, some of the experts who developed the CESSDA Expert Tour Guide on Data Management, took an audience of 269 participants from 29 different countries on a short virtual tour (webinar) through the guide.