
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash

News from CESSDA

Democracy, youth, development, values and attitudes: Five data sets from FSD
Tue 19 Sep 2017

Democracy, youth, development, values and attitudes: Five data sets from FSD

This is the second article in a series presenting five data sets from archives across the CESSDA collaboration. Our Finnish Service Provider, FSD, has chosen to present the following selection of data sets.

CESSDA ERIC commits to European open science by joining the ‘coalition of the doers’
Fri 15 Sep 2017

CESSDA ERIC commits to European open science by joining the ‘coalition of the doers’

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) endorses the principles of the European Open Science Cloud Declaration[1] and commits to actively supporting the implementation of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data.

Discover five data sets from our German Service Provider GESIS
Thu 31 Aug 2017

Discover five data sets from our German Service Provider GESIS

The CESSDA Consortium is currently composed of fourteen member countries and one observer. We will be issuing regular news items presenting five data sets hosted by each CESSDA Service Provider. We start in Germany, where GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences holds the following data sets, which are of great interest to researchers both at home and abroad.

Theme page on food published by FSD
Fri 7 Jul 2017

Theme page on food published by FSD

This month’s data theme page on the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) website features datasets on food.

CMM 1.0 - CESSDA Metadata Management
Mon 12 Jun 2017

CMM 1.0 - CESSDA Metadata Management

CESSDA’s project group on Metadata Management have in May 2017 agreed on version 1.0 of CMM.