How repositories can contribute their FAIR share: FAIRsFAIR Webinar
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Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data are an increasingly important aspect of open scholarship. Increasing the production and use of FAIR data requires a wide range of stakeholders across the research ecosystem to actively play their parts. FAIRsFAIR – Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe – aims to supply practical solutions for applying the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle, which can be included in the strategies that research organisations and implemented to enable a FAIR data culture. This 90 minute virtual workshop focuses on the work FAIRsFAIR carries out in collaboration with repositories to enable them to play their role in helping to make and keep data FAIR over time. It covers an early draft of a transition support programme for repositories wishing to improve their capacity to support FAIR data production and use. Following an overview of the draft programme, attendees review and discuss the draft support programme, consider how it might be applied within their own repositories, and how they can support and promote relevant aspects of the programme within their institutions and the wider community. This record is a virtual workshop recording.
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Herterich, Patricia / Davidson, Joy