




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 11 to 17 of 17 items

DataCite Fabrica

Fabrica is DataCite's web interface where you can create, find, connect and track all of your DOIs and metadata. Fabrica also includes all of the functionalities needed to manage repository accounts, prefixes and contacts.

da|ra - DOI registration agency for social and economic data

da|ra is a DOI registration agency for social and economic data. GESIS offers a service of DOI registration of research data for data centers or data archives seeking to make their data permanently available for referencing and citing.

Persistent identifiers

2022 Webpage
This webpage presents the persistant identifiers used by DANS - DOIs - and reports FAQ on DOIs by reserachers.


Dataverse is an open-source web-based application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. The central idea behind Dataverse is to automate much of the job of the professional archivist, and to provide services for and to distribute credit to the data creator.

da|ra Metadata Schema: Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Social and Economic Data. Version 4.0

2017 Report
The da|ra Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for the identification of data and retrieval purposes. Each DOI name is linked to a set of metadata, a collection of bibliographical and content information, which describe in detail the registered resources (title, author, pu...

Best Practice Guide for the Registration of Resources with da|ra

2014 Report
The Best Practice Guide of GESIS gives recommendations and suggestions to the user to optimise the registration of data holdings via GESIS system da|ra. Additionally, many examples are provided and the use of various standards and best practices are described (DOI, metadata, versioning, citations...
Showing 11 to 17 of 17 items