CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: data reuse Clear tag
Showing 11 to 20 of 46 items
Research data handling and security guide for users
2022 Document
This guide is for users of research data accessed via the UK Data Service through its online services provided by the UK Data Service. In particular, all users who obtain data available under a Special Licence Agreement or Controlled data, where disclosure risk is increased, are required to read...
Copyright Issues in Secondary Data Use: SSHOC Workshop
2022 Presentation
There is a misconception in the research community that the use of secondary data does not entail legal considerations. Secondary data is an intellectual property of the data owner, so any use of that data may require the data owner’s permission or may be subject to certain terms and conditions....
Facts and Figures for open research data
2019 Webpage
Figures and case studies related to accessing and reusing the data produced in the course of scientific production.
Introducing MICA: Measuring the Impacts of Curatorial Actions Project
2021 Presentation
MICA, or “Measuring and Improving the Efficacy of Curation Activities in Data Archives” is a three-year National Digital Infrastructures and Initiatives project led by investigators at ICPSR and the University of Michigan School of Information. The goal of this project is to understand how curato...
Getting Started with Secondary Analysis: UKDS Webinar
2020 Presentation
The key issues in secondary analysis as a method. The
introductory session briefly covers the pros and cons of reusing data and the importance of learning about the origins of your data. Quantitative and qualitative secondary analysis will be discussed with examples and issues of context, sampli...
SSHOC D5.20: Training materials of workshop for secure data facility professionals
2021 Report
Social science and humanities research infrastructures allow the sharing and safe use of confidential data for research. In recent years there has been a shift towards virtual data enclaves or Remote Access or Remote Desktop systems that offer fewer physical controls. They need to be replaced wit...
Finding and reusing data: SERISS Webinar
2019 Presentation
This webinar is intended for everyone who wants to learn about ways of finding and reusing research data. Managing your research data in a FAIR and transparent manner is important. It helps researchers to meet requirements of funding institutions and ensures long-term re-usability of their data....
Recommended formats : File formats recommended by the UK Data Service
The table contains guidance on file formats recommended and accepted by the UK Data Service for data sharing, reuse and preservation.
How to get data and access information - UKDA
Various FAQs regarding how to get data and access information stored in UKDA
Showing 11 to 20 of 46 items