CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: data deposit Clear tag
Showing 11 to 20 of 41 items
SWISSUbase Metadata Guide
2022 Document
This document provides a description of all metadata (mandatory and non mandatory) for creating studies and depositing data in SWISSUbase.
SWISSUbase User Guide: Submit your study and deposit data
2022 Document
The SWISSUbase User Guide will guide you through the most important steps of submitting your project and depositing your research data.
Self deposit manual : Self-depositing data at AUSSDA
2020 Document
AUSSDA provides this manual to guide AUSSDA accredited self-depositors through the self-deposit process. The manual offers guidance on the entire deposit process and provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how data and documentation material need to be prepared in order to be ready for the...
Publishing Datasets in Dataverse
2018 Presentation
Training example: How to publish datasets in a Dataverse setting
Replication Dataset Guidelines
Many journals, publishers, and funding agencies require researchers to deposit replication datasets in a public repository. The Dataverse Project helps researchers fulfill this requirement by supporting the deposit of replication datasets, making this special type of data easily discoverable for...
Depositing shareable survey data - UKDA
This guide is for survey commissioners, survey managers and contractors who are
involved in producing and archiving social survey data. It is aimed primarily at UK
government-sponsored operations although it is relevant to other organisations
undertaking large-scale survey data collection.
Deposit agreement
2020 Webpage
When depositing data at SND, a written agreement is always established between SND and the research principal. This webpage contains deposit agreement in paper and digital form.
Archiving research data
NSD archives data to make it available for researchers in Norway and abroad, especially within the social sciences, humanities but also for medical and health research. This webpage offers an outline of NSD services related to data archiving.
Showing 11 to 20 of 41 items