CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 11 to 20 of 55 items
Secure Access User Agreement
2022 Document
UK Data Service SecureLab Registered Users must agree to this Secure Access User Agreement and any other document referred to herein before being issued credentials to access Controlled Data from the SecureLab.
Research data handling and security guide for users
2022 Document
This guide is for users of research data accessed via the UK Data Service through its online services provided by the UK Data Service. In particular, all users who obtain data available under a Special Licence Agreement or Controlled data, where disclosure risk is increased, are required to read...
Licence Compliance Policy
2022 Document
This document defines the policy for managing compliance with the terms and conditions of use for those data made available via UK Data Service labelled Safeguarded and/or Controlled irrespective of access route. Background information is provided concerning the agreements that Registered Users o...
Dataverse: A community dedicated to publishing research data
2020 Presentation
These slides are for a lightning talk at PIDapalooza 2020 to introduce Dataverse to the community.
Copyright Issues in Secondary Data Use: SSHOC Workshop
2022 Presentation
There is a misconception in the research community that the use of secondary data does not entail legal considerations. Secondary data is an intellectual property of the data owner, so any use of that data may require the data owner’s permission or may be subject to certain terms and conditions....
Visual Data Discovery for the SSH Context: TRIPLE Open Science Training Series
2021 Presentation
This training event is devoted specifically to the visual discovery of research resources with the GoTriple platform, which is currently under development. It provides answers to the following questions, among others:
How can GoTriple support exploring research topics with visual search?
What is...
SSHOC Legacy booklet
2022 Report
This SSHOC Legacy booklet covers the main outcomes of the SSHOC project, marking a major step towards the exploitation of tools and services during the project’s funding lifecycle and from there the path towards sustainability. The first part showcases the work performed by SSHOC partners to achi...
Facts and Figures for open research data
2019 Webpage
Figures and case studies related to accessing and reusing the data produced in the course of scientific production.
FAIRness Literacy: The Achilles’ Heel of Applying FAIR Principles
2020 Journal article
The SHARC Interest Group of the Research Data Alliance was established to improve research crediting and rewarding mechanisms for scientists who wish to organise their data (and material resources) for community sharing. This requires that data are findable and accessible on the Web, and comply w...
Showing 11 to 20 of 55 items