




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 11 to 20 of 40 items

Mission - FORS

FORS mission outlined and explained

Who we are - CSDA

CSDA's mission outlined and explained

Mission statement - AUSSDA

AUSSDA mission outlined and explained

Organizational infrastructure

2017 Webpage
Organizational infrastructure of ADP explained: legal, ethical norms, model of preservation, collection development policy and preservation strategy.

Mission - ADP

ADP mission outlined and explained

Mission and Workflow – APIS

APIS mission and workflow explained

SERSCIDA D5.1: Documents and Materials for Social Science Digital Data Archives

2014 Report
This deliverable from the SERSCIDA project deals with the future establishment of digital data archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. The first part describes the future data services from an organizational and structural viewpoint and the second part consists of a set of policy...

SEEDS D4: Establishment Plan - Albania

2016 Report
Establishment plan drawn up for Albania by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation and the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation. It includes sections on: 1. Definition and internal structure; 2. Human Resources; 3. Technical infrastructure; and 4. Policies, quality control pro...

SEEDS D4: Establishment Plan - Kosovo

2016 Report
Establishment plan drawn up for Kosovo by the Centre for Political Courage. It includes sections on: 1. Definition and internal structure; 2. Human Resources; 3. Technical infrastructure; and 4. Policies, quality control procedures, and workflows.

CESSDA SaW D3.3: Guide for national planning for setting up new data services (Version V4.0)

2017 Report
This guide aims to assist interested actors, or country teams, in developing plans for establishing national data services in the social sciences.
Showing 11 to 20 of 40 items