




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 11 to 20 of 33 items

Towards FAIR principles for research software

2020 Journal article
The FAIR Guiding Principles, published in 2016, aim to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of digital research objects for both humans and machines

F-UJI - Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool

F-UJI is based on a web service to programmatically assess the FAIRness of research data objects based on the FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics. The tool allows assessing the FAIRness of research data at the dataset level.


Tool to analyze the traffic on our websites (for example, number of visits, follow the users' experiences in out tools)

SMT - Survey Management Tool

Tool to save questionnaire (questions database) and to create survey. However, this is not currently used by the archive, but by the survey teams.


Tracking system for case working.

Open-source vocabulary hosting and management platforms: SSHOC Online information sessions

2020 Presentation
As part of the SSHOC activities, CLARIN is organizing a series of online events to raise awareness about open-source vocabulary hosting and management platforms: 3 September 2020: First session - Introduction to Wikibase Vocabulary Platform 14 September 2020: Second session - Introduction to Sk...

SSH Open Marketplace - explained the easy way

2020 Presentation
SSH Open Marketplace launch video created by HORIZON 2020 EU-funded Research & Innovation project SSHOC.

Agile development of the SSH Open Marketplace: User Workshop

2020 Journal article
For the release of the Alpha version of the SSH Marketplace, we arranged a two-hour slot on 30 June 2020 during the ICTeSSH 2020 Conference. This report provides the context for the development of the Marketplace and presents the feedback received from testers who had been given prior access to t...

CESSDA Tools Working Group

2020 Webpage
The CESSDA Tools Group represent both users’ and SPs’ interest in terms of what needs to be developed. The group’s goal is to prioritise and realise new tools and services from Service Providers and third parties for CESSDA's users.

CESSDA Technical Guidelines

2020 Webpage
These guidelines define: how CESSDA products are developed; how services powered by these products are operated; the principles used for Quality Assurance of the products; the technical infrastructure the products run on.
Showing 11 to 20 of 33 items