CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: DANS Clear tag
Showing 21 to 30 of 59 items
GDPR for researchers – Making your data management GDPR proof: CESSDA Webinar
2021 Presentation
This presentation focuses on legal and ethical issues in Data Management with a particular focus on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It provides advice on researchers working with personal data on how to comply with GDPR across different phases of the life cycle.
Responsible Open S...
Fundamentals of Research Data Management for Social Scientists: Joint CESSDA, DANS and ODISSEI Webinar
2021 Presentation
Welcome and introduction presentation of the Responsible Open Science Workshop. This presentation introduces CESSDA and ODISSEI as infrastructures for the social sciences and outlines the first four chapters of the Data Management Expert Guide.
Responsible Open Science Workshop was organised by...
FAIR + Time: Preservation for a Designated Community
2021 Report
This draft working paper has been prepared by members of the SSHOC, EOSC Nordic and FAIRsFAIR projects working on related topics. It seeks to present some key concepts and expand on them to specify the standards and assessments required for an interoperable ecosystem of FAIR (findable, accessible...
How to improve the quality of your repository? SSHOC and certification of repositories: SSHOC Webinar
2020 Presentation
Certification is a sign of trust that benefits a data repository in many ways. How can your repository achieve certification? The SSHOC webinar focuses on the certification of digital repositories and how your repository can apply for the CoreTrustSeal.
FAIR-Aware: Assess Your Knowledge of FAIR
FAIR-Aware is an online tool that helps researchers and data managers assess how much they know about the requirements for making their datasets findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) before uploading them into a data repository. It also helps them to assess to what degree it is...
FAIR data in trustworthy repositories: the basics: OpenAIRE and FOSTER Webinar
2018 Presentation
This video illustrates how certified digital repositories contribute to making and keeping research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Trustworthy repositories support Open Access to data, as well as Restricted Access when necessary, and they offer support for metadata,...
Stepping up the effort to support the reuse of research data: DANS, the next level
2020 Presentation
Henk Wals, director of DANS, speaking on data reuse and measures needed to enhance data archiving and reuse. He also discuss rebuilding DANS' research data services.
DANS data stories: reusability and the GDPR
2020 Presentation
A short video about Reusability and the GDPR: Archiving your data with DANS by Emilie Kraaikamp (DANS Advisor for legal affairs). In this video, Emilie discusses the practical aspects of sharing personal research data.
Showing 21 to 30 of 59 items