CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: AUSSDA Clear tag
Showing 21 to 26 of 26 items
Media Pack - Austria
2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Austria that serves as a communication and promotion tool.
National Development Plan - Austria
2017 Document
National development plan drawn up by AUSSDA, the Austrian data archive, around the 6 month mark after the formal establishment of the archive. AUSSDA tip: "This chapter can therefore act as a helpful reference for archives once they have received funding and are faced with the questions of what...
Consultancy on anonymization checks for open-access data
Subject: Consultancy on anonymization checks for quantitative data and qualitative text data
Description: AUSSDA is willing to share its anonymisation practices for the ingest of quantitative data and qualitative text data. The Austrian archive has extensive workflows and checklists to make sure...
Consultancy on Data Management Plan
AUSSDA is willing to present, to interested developing archives, the consultancy offered to their researchers on data management during the research lifecycle and the guidance given on the development of research management plans. Contact them directly.
Consultancy on Dataverse
AUSSDA uses Dataverse as its main repository software and has inhouse expertise. If you want to learn more about Dataverse, contact them directly.
Consultancy on migration of Nesstar legacy data into Dataverse
AUSSDA has completed the migration of legacy data from Nesstar to Dataverse using PyDataverse.
Showing 21 to 26 of 26 items