CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: UKDS Clear tag
Showing 31 to 40 of 67 items
Specification for interoperable access conditions in CDC
2021 Report
This report specifies the data access categories that are to be implemented in the CESSDA Data Catalogue. The discussion focuses on how the implementation can be done within the DDI framework which is the common metadata standard for CESSDA Service Providers and CDC Publishers. (The report was cr...
Lights! Camera! Action! Teach! A Handbook for Making Educational Videos
2021 Report
This handbook is a modular resource that supports first-time educational video or podcast content creation. It reviews the practical considerations and resources required to develop, create and publish videos, from start to finish, using a variety of formats. To make specific content easy to find...
FAIR + Time: Preservation for a Designated Community
2021 Report
This draft working paper has been prepared by members of the SSHOC, EOSC Nordic and FAIRsFAIR projects working on related topics. It seeks to present some key concepts and expand on them to specify the standards and assessments required for an interoperable ecosystem of FAIR (findable, accessible...
Tools and Resources for FAIR Data: SSHOC Webinar
2020 Presentation
How can you make your data FAIR? In this webinar, Anca Vlad — data repository administrator at UK Data Service — will share tools and resources applying to the entire data lifecycle.
The knowledge she will share is based on her experience at the UK Data Service. Anca will use, among others, the S...
Depositing shareable survey data - UKDA
This guide is for survey commissioners, survey managers and contractors who are
involved in producing and archiving social survey data. It is aimed primarily at UK
government-sponsored operations although it is relevant to other organisations
undertaking large-scale survey data collection.
Recommended formats : File formats recommended by the UK Data Service
The table contains guidance on file formats recommended and accepted by the UK Data Service for data sharing, reuse and preservation.
Cataloguing Procedures and Guidelines
2016 Document
Each data collection (a.k.a. ‘study’) contained within the UK Data Archive’s Discover catalogue has an
individual catalogue record. The aim of the catalogue record is to provide users with enough information to
enable them to decide if a particular study will be suitable for their requirements. T...
How to get data and access information - UKDA
Various FAQs regarding how to get data and access information stored in UKDA
Showing 31 to 40 of 67 items