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Showing 31 to 40 of 42 items

DORIS (Data Organisation Information System)

SND platform for describing and publishing data/metadata. Also metadata curation and review of data entrys. Function for handling incoming data access requests.

Open-source vocabulary hosting and management platforms: SSHOC Online information sessions

2020 Presentation
As part of the SSHOC activities, CLARIN is organizing a series of online events to raise awareness about open-source vocabulary hosting and management platforms: 3 September 2020: First session - Introduction to Wikibase Vocabulary Platform 14 September 2020: Second session - Introduction to Sk...

CESSDA SaW D4.7: Report summarising the current state of needs of new data services

2017 Report
This report describes the task 4.5 and its aim to collect information on future cooperation between current and potential CESSDA partners. Using the information from the non-CESSDA member data services, the 4.7 deliverable summarises the current state and needs of these data services.

Manage data

Data management describes the handling, organisation, and structuring of research material during the research process. On these pages SND has collected useful information about how to maintain, preserve and share research data.

CESSDA Trust Group: Overview of Support Approaches

2020 Document
This text is a first draft overview of possible trust support approaches based on the experiences of the CESSDA Trust Working Group and its members. It supports internal discussion within CESSDA, particularly within the Trust Group but is also made available to other support providers for informa...

Describe and share data

2020 Webpage
Web pages informing about how to make data visible and accessible through SND's research data catalogue.

Choosing a file format

2022 Webpage
SND guidelines on formats best suited for long-term preservation and accessibility.

Information for Students

2020 Webpage
Information for students on how to find, use, and reference data in SND's research data catalogue.

SERSCIDA D5.1: Documents and Materials for Social Science Digital Data Archives

2014 Report
This deliverable from the SERSCIDA project deals with the future establishment of digital data archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. The first part describes the future data services from an organizational and structural viewpoint and the second part consists of a set of policy...

CESSDA SaW D5.3: Report on the establishment of an international curriculum for professional development in digital data services for the social sciences

2017 Report
The deliverable from the CESSDA Strengthening and Widening project identifies the relevant elements of professional activity in data curation with an aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of all aspects to be recognised in the training of current and future employees of CESSDA organisations...
Showing 31 to 40 of 42 items