CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: establishment of data service Clear tag
Showing 31 to 40 of 51 items
Media Pack - Austria
2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Austria that serves as a communication and promotion tool.
Media Pack - Bulgaria
2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Bulgaria that serves as a communication and promotion tool.
Media Pack - Croatia
2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Croatia that serves as a communication and promotion tool.
Media Pack - Kosovo
2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Kosovo that serves as a communication and promotion tool.
SEEDS D4: Establishment Plan - Macedonia
2016 Report
Establishment plan drawn up for for Macedonia by the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. It includes sections on: 1. Definition and internal structure; 2. Human Resources; 3. Technical infrastructure; and 4. Policies, quali...
National Development Plan - Albania
2017 Document
National development plan drawn up for Albania by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation and the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation. It includes sections on the definition of the archive, its internal and organisational structure as well as its services.
SEEDS D4: Establishment Plan - Montenegro
2016 Report
Establishment plan drawn up for Montenegro by the Centre for Monitoring and Research. It includes sections on: 1. Definition and internal structure; 2. Human Resources; 3. Technical infrastructure; and 4. Policies, quality control procedures, and workflows.
National Development Plan - Austria
2017 Document
National development plan drawn up by AUSSDA, the Austrian data archive, around the 6 month mark after the formal establishment of the archive. AUSSDA tip: "This chapter can therefore act as a helpful reference for archives once they have received funding and are faced with the questions of what...
National Development Plan - Bulgaria
2017 Document
National development plan drawn up for Bulgaria by the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. It includes sections on the definition of the archive, its internal and organisational structure as well as its services.
National Development Plan - Croatia
2017 Document
National development plan drawn up for Croatia by the Croatian team at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. It includes sections on the definition of the archive, its internal and organisational structure as well as its services.
Showing 31 to 40 of 51 items