CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: GESIS Clear tag
Showing 31 to 40 of 49 items
da|ra - DOI registration agency for social and economic data
da|ra is a DOI registration agency for social and economic data. GESIS offers a service of DOI registration of research data for data centers or data archives seeking to make their data permanently available for referencing and citing.
User Guide for the CESSDA Metadata Model version 2.0
2021 Report
This is the current public version of the User Guide for the CESSDA Metadata Model version 2.0. The guidelines address all relevant aspects of the elements in the CESSDA Metadata Model, and serve to provide recommendations and guidance for usage. Please send your requests to the CESSDA Metadata O...
CMM CESSDA Metadata Model
2021 Document
This is the current public version of the CESSDA Metadata Model (CMM). Guidelines for the usage of and best practice for the CMM can be found in the User Guide.
Archiving Social Media Data: A guide for archivists and researchers
2021 Report
Social media data are increasingly used in the social sciences. Archiving social media data is associated with a number of specific practical, legal, and ethical challenges that researchers and archivists need to address. In addition, the documentation of social media data also has its own requir...
CESSDA SaW D4.4: Report on DSA Certification for CESSDA
2017 Report
The two key issues covered by task 4.3 of the SaW project were: 1. Provide support, assistance and monitoring of progress by all CESSDA Service Providers (SPs) towards compliance with Trustworthy Digital Repository (TDR) requirements, by undertaking CESSDA-internal peer review of self-assessments...
CESSDA Trust Group: Overview of Support Approaches
2020 Document
This text is a first draft overview of possible trust support approaches based on the experiences of the CESSDA Trust Working Group and its members. It supports internal discussion within CESSDA, particularly within the Trust Group but is also made available to other support providers for informa...
Codebook Explorer
The CodebookExplorer is a programme which gives easy retrieval possibilities to interested users for databases of specific topics. The CodebookExplorer has the following functions: search for keywords in study or variable descriptions, compare question texts, make simple analysis like frequencies...
DASISH D4.4: Comprehensive Policy Rules for Data - Management in SSH
2014 Report
This report assesses a selection of state-of-the-art guidelines and recommendations for formation of preservation policies. Furthermore it describes, compares & analyses the scope of policy-rules, and the requirements they set for the SSH domain. Based on the assessment of the policy rules and pr...
The GESIS software package CharmStats provides a quick and easy way to harmonize your variables.
Showing 31 to 40 of 49 items