CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 31 to 40 of 58 items
Column-graphs is a JavaScript library for creating modifiable column graphs. It currently contains two graph types: stacked bars and compare categories.
Kuha2 - Open Source Metadata Server
2021 Presentation
Kuha2 is metadata server developed to provide research metadata for harvesting using multiple protocols and metadata standards. It is composed of a collection of server applications and a client. Kuha2 is targeted at data archives who wish to make their metadata harvestable by interested parties.
DataCite Fabrica
Fabrica is DataCite's web interface where you can create, find, connect and track all of your DOIs and metadata. Fabrica also includes all of the functionalities needed to manage repository accounts, prefixes and contacts.
da|ra - DOI registration agency for social and economic data
da|ra is a DOI registration agency for social and economic data. GESIS offers a service of DOI registration of research data for data centers or data archives seeking to make their data permanently available for referencing and citing.
Showing 31 to 40 of 58 items