




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Tag: CESSDA Data Archiving Guide (DAG) Clear tag
Showing 41 to 50 of 68 items

DataCite Fabrica

Fabrica is DataCite's web interface where you can create, find, connect and track all of your DOIs and metadata. Fabrica also includes all of the functionalities needed to manage repository accounts, prefixes and contacts.

da|ra - DOI registration agency for social and economic data

da|ra is a DOI registration agency for social and economic data. GESIS offers a service of DOI registration of research data for data centers or data archives seeking to make their data permanently available for referencing and citing.

User Guide for the CESSDA Metadata Model version 2.0

2021 Report
This is the current public version of the User Guide for the CESSDA Metadata Model version 2.0. The guidelines address all relevant aspects of the elements in the CESSDA Metadata Model, and serve to provide recommendations and guidance for usage. Please send your requests to the CESSDA Metadata O...

CMM CESSDA Metadata Model

2021 Document
This is the current public version of the CESSDA Metadata Model (CMM). Guidelines for the usage of and best practice for the CMM can be found in the User Guide.

Digital Preservation Handbook

2021 Webpage
The needs of institutions regarding the digital materials they create and acquire vary considerably. This Handbook of the Digital Preservation Coalition is intended to provide a bridge between broad, high level overviews and explicit, detailed guidelines applicable to the needs of a specific inst...

Archiving Social Media Data: A guide for archivists and researchers

2021 Report
Social media data are increasingly used in the social sciences. Archiving social media data is associated with a number of specific practical, legal, and ethical challenges that researchers and archivists need to address. In addition, the documentation of social media data also has its own requir...

Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice (2nd ed. ; online version)

2019 Webpage
This book’s online resources are organised around the different phases of the research data lifecycle, to offer the support you need to complete each stage of your research project successfully.

Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving

2019 Document
The Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving is aimed at those engaged in the cycle of research, from applying for a research grant, through the data collection phase, and ultimately to preparation of the data for deposit in a public archive. The Guide is a compilation of best pract...

Our impact - UKDS

2022 Webpage
This section of the UK Data Service website includes examples of how data from our collection are providing evidence to support research, inform policy decisions and teach the next generation of social scientists.
Showing 41 to 50 of 68 items