CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 51 to 60 of 97 items
Archiving and Discovering Data: CESSDA Training Webinar
2021 Presentation
This presentation focuses on the last two chapters of the Data Management Expert Guide outlining Archiving and Publishing data discovery.
Responsible Open Science Workshop was organised by CESSDA Training and ODISSEI.
Tools and Resources for FAIR Data: SSHOC Webinar
2020 Presentation
How can you make your data FAIR? In this webinar, Anca Vlad — data repository administrator at UK Data Service — will share tools and resources applying to the entire data lifecycle.
The knowledge she will share is based on her experience at the UK Data Service. Anca will use, among others, the S...
Meeting funders’ requirements - archiving and data sharing: SERISS Webinar
2019 Presentation
This introductory webinar is for anyone who is involved in the collection of data and is considering making (some of) their data available in accordance with funders’ requirements. More and more funders are requiring that research data be made available after completion of the research project, u...
Generalist Repository Comparison Chart
2020 Document
The General Repository Comparison Chart and FAIRsharing Collection ( is an outcome of the NIH Workshop on the Role of Generalist Repositories to Enhance Data Discoverability and Reuse held 11-12 February 2020 (workshop summary). Foll...
Depositing shareable survey data - UKDA
This guide is for survey commissioners, survey managers and contractors who are
involved in producing and archiving social survey data. It is aimed primarily at UK
government-sponsored operations although it is relevant to other organisations
undertaking large-scale survey data collection.
Recommended formats : File formats recommended by the UK Data Service
The table contains guidance on file formats recommended and accepted by the UK Data Service for data sharing, reuse and preservation.
Deposit agreement
2020 Webpage
When depositing data at SND, a written agreement is always established between SND and the research principal. This webpage contains deposit agreement in paper and digital form.
Deposit data - ISSDA
How to prepare data, check and make data available for depositing at ISSDA.
Showing 51 to 60 of 97 items