CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 61 to 70 of 600 items
General terms of use
The following text sets out the general terms of use as they appear on the portal and the obligations they contain for external users and how they are interpreted.
GESIS Search
Find information about social science research data, publications on research data as well as open access publications.
CESSDA and its national Service Providers strive to serve the research community despite the coronavirus crisis, and online services continue to function as usual. The CESSDA consortium is especially committed to supporting researchers working on COVID-19 related research.
On this page you can f...
AUSSDA Social Science Data on Coronavirus Disease
Your information hub for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic related studies in Austria in the social sciences. Studies will be made available as fast as possible. Thus, not all information is available in English. Some studies will be published as pre-releases meaning that these are not the final dat...
ADP Catalogue
The ADP data catalogue for search and discovery of social science and humanities research data.
SUPER DADA for Dataverse 5+ [Version 2.0]
2022 Software
SUPER DADA is a bash script that adapts XML-DDI metadata files produced by Dataverse in order to make them compliant with the technical requirements of the CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC).
This version of the script is geared towards versions 5+ of Dataverse.
In its current state, SUPER DADA modifi...
SND Policy for Review of Data and Metadata
2021 Document
SND's policy for reviewing data and metadata This document describes the policy that SND has established in application to the review of data and metadata to be carried out before they are made available via the SND's research data catalogue. In the review process, data, metadata and documentatio...
Welcome to the FNESdata longitudinal survey metadata portal. The portal contains the metadata of four surveys in the Finnish National Elections Study series. Studies range from 2003 to 2015 and they are listed below. You can browse individual datasets, search specific variables on the search page...
SUPER DADA for Dataverse 4+ [Version 3.0]
2022 Software
SUPER DADA is a bash script that adapts XML-DDI metadata files produced by Dataverse in order to make them compliant with the technical requirements of the CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC).
This version of the script is geared towards versions 4+ of Dataverse.
In its current state, SUPER DADA modifi...
Showing 61 to 70 of 600 items