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Showing 61 to 68 of 68 items

DDI-Lifecycle at the Data Archive: the Metadata Schema for Documentation in Different Software Tools

2017 Report
The DDI-Codebook (DDI-C) standard is currently used in the Gesis Data Archive (DAS) as a metadata format for the documentation and archiving of products, projects, and processes. In order to cover the full life cycle of research data and to ensure interchangeability and reusability of metadata ex...

Nesstar Publisher

Nesstar Publisher is an advanced and DDI compliant data management program, which can be used as a standalone tool for the preparation of data and metadata but can also be used to mount the enhanced dataset on a Nesstar Server. The Publisher enables users to enhance datasets by combining a wide r...

CoreTrustSeal - List of certified repositories and reports of CTS implementation

2018 Webpage
This wepage contains all the reports on implementation of the CoreTrustSeal (and DSA) in CESSDA SPs. This could be a valuable resource for DAS planning for certification or even starting up a data archive. CTS offers a process of self-evaluation for digital repositories. The certification process...

CESSDA Capability Development Model

2016 Webpage
CESSDA-CDM is a structured collection of elements that identify and describe the characteristics of effective preservation processes and activities. It is a model that can be used to appraise and/or improve the capability of a service provider to perform and to provide services.

GESIS Digital Preservation Policy: Principles of digital preservation at the Data Archive for the Social Sciences

2015 Document
In this policy the GESIS Data Archive describes its digital preservation principles and strategies. The document expresses GESIS’s awareness of responsibilities and measures required to ensure adequate preservation and access. It is addressed at members, committees, management, and employees of G...

ADP Digital Preservation Policy

2021 Webpage
ADP's digital preservation policy not only determines the rules, the responsibilities, the roles, and the system of monitoring data management in the Slovenian social science data archive, but also presents the archive's designated community, mission, funding, roles of staff, digital object manag...

Data Management Guidelines - FSD

2018 Webpage
This collection of webpages from FSD include best practice guidelines for managing research data across the whole life cycle of data. These guidelines can be useful for the archive staff as well as for data producers. The guidelines are very extensive and are divided in to eleven categories and a...

UKDA Data Access Policy

2019 Document
This document covers the policy relating to data access for the UK Data Service, across all UK Data Service sites and access points. It does not cover access criteria relating to other UK Data Archive projects.
Showing 61 to 68 of 68 items