CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 71 to 80 of 83 items
Kvalikirstu 2
Kvalikirstu 2 is a tool for processing qualitative datasets with hundreds of files at the ingest phase. The data produced by Kvalikirstu 2 align with current requirements for long-term preservation. The features of Kvalikirstu 2 include a graphical user interface for processing and ODT file suppo...
R package DDIwR (DDI with R)
This is an R package that provides various functions to read DDI based metadata documentation, and write dedicated setup files for R, SPSS, Stata and SAS to read an associated .csv file containing the raw data, apply labels for variables and values and also deal with the treatment of missing valu...
CESSDA Vocabulary Service
CESSDA Vocabulary Service enables users to discover, browse, and download controlled vocabularies in a variety of languages. The majority of the source (English) vocabularies included in the service have been created by the DDI Alliance.
Codebook Explorer
The CodebookExplorer is a programme which gives easy retrieval possibilities to interested users for databases of specific topics. The CodebookExplorer has the following functions: search for keywords in study or variable descriptions, compare question texts, make simple analysis like frequencies...
The GESIS software package CharmStats provides a quick and easy way to harmonize your variables.
Dataverse is an open-source web-based application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. The central idea behind Dataverse is to automate much of the job of the professional archivist, and to provide services for and to distribute credit to the data creator.
Nesstar Publisher
Nesstar Publisher is an advanced and DDI compliant data management program, which can be used as a standalone tool for the preparation of data and metadata but can also be used to mount the enhanced dataset on a Nesstar Server. The Publisher enables users to enhance datasets by combining a wide r...
Github Repository of all DANS Developed Software
Github repositories of all DANS developed software.
Data Management Plan
NSD offers a tool for creating a data management plan. It is a functional tool for writing and updating a DMP dynamically. The resulting DMP is stored and is avialable via login at NSD, and can be downloaded. Further functionalities will be added (e.g. the possibility to share the DMP with other...
ELSST - European Language Social Science Thesaurus
The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences. It is owned and published by the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) and its national Service Providers. The thesaurus consists of over 3,000 concepts...
Showing 71 to 80 of 83 items