CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: data harmonisation Clear tag
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
Train the Trainer - Variable Harmonization with CharmStats: SERISS Webinar
2019 Presentation
Paula Schäfer reviews the variable harmonization software CharmStats with a case study from the European Values Study. The SERISS Consortium CC-BY, 2019.
Train the Trainer - Data harmonisation case study: SERISS Webinar
2019 Presentation
Kristi Winters reviews an example of variable harmonization documentation.
Train the Trainer - Concepts in data harmonisation: SERISS Webinar
2019 Presentation
Kristi Winters discusses key concepts in variable harmonization.
Harmonised data for comparative research: CESSDA Webinar
2020 Presentation
Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries. This CESSDA explore sources of harmonised comparative data and methods and tools for harmonising data.
Hosted by Jen Buckley from the UK Data Service, the session includes two expert speakers. Professor Irina Tomescu-D...
The GESIS software package CharmStats provides a quick and easy way to harmonize your variables.
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items