CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: data storage Clear tag
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Windows batch files used in data processing
FSD has developed different batch files:
- TarkastaXML checks that metadata and variable files are valid DDI;
- Koodikirjoitin creates pdf codebooks based on metadata and variable files;
- Updatemeta runs certain automatic updates to metadata files;
- Datakesken disables write protection from the...
File storage management and change log.
NSD Remark: Old internal system, being discontinued soon as moved into newer systems.
Recommended Datachecks
This STATA do-file contains commands that proved useful for data checks. This by no means indicates that all necessary checks are part of this Do-File. It opens data from a SIP; saves to AIP; their quality and anonymisation checks are done; after checking the DIP is generated including long-term...
Dataverse is an open-source web-based application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. The central idea behind Dataverse is to automate much of the job of the professional archivist, and to provide services for and to distribute credit to the data creator.
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