CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: dissemination Clear tag
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NSD Strategy 2021–2024
NSD's strategy clarifies NSD's social mission, responsibilities and role, as well as the services NSD deliver to researchers and what their advantages are. The strategy highlights themes and focus areas that will be given priority in the future.
Data dessimination website for NORLAG.
NorLAG is a life course study where we follow the same people, born between 1922 and 1966, over time. The study combines longitudinal survey and registry data that illuminate important areas of people's lives: health, care and well-being, work and retiremen...
DORIS (Data Organisation Information System)
SND platform for describing and publishing data/metadata. Also metadata curation and review of data entrys. Function for handling incoming data access requests.
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items