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Showing 1 to 10 of 25 items

SoDaNet Data Catalogue

The Sodanet Data Catalogue includes the following eight different categories of Data Projects, such as: Quantitative Studies, Qualitative Studies, Mixed Studies, Cubes, Indices & Classifications, Metadata of Statistical Surveys, Corpora and Replication Data for Quantitative Analysis.

GESIS Search

Find information about social science research data, publications on research data as well as open access publications.


CESSDA and its national Service Providers strive to serve the research community despite the coronavirus crisis, and online services continue to function as usual. The CESSDA consortium is especially committed to supporting researchers working on COVID-19 related research. On this page you can f...

AUSSDA Social Science Data on Coronavirus Disease

Your information hub for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic related studies in Austria in the social sciences. Studies will be made available as fast as possible. Thus, not all information is available in English. Some studies will be published as pre-releases meaning that these are not the final dat...

ADP Catalogue

The ADP data catalogue for search and discovery of social science and humanities research data.

The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST)

2022 Document
The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences. It is owned and published by the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) and its national Service Providers. The thesaurus consists of over 3,300 concepts...

Discover SWISSUbase

2022 Presentation
SWISSUbase, the new research data service for the archiving and sharing of research data was launched for the social sciences on December 14, 2021. FAIR compliant, SWISSUbase provides archiving aligned with international standards; multi-lingual search capability; connectivity with European Resea...


The catalogue provides direct and free online access to the metadata of the surveys and databases that the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) has conducted since the 1940s. It also provides access to some of the open access databases produced at Ined. The catalogue is based on NADA,...

AUSSDA Dissemination Strategy

2020 Document
This strategy paper serves as a guidance for the creation and implementation of measures and procedures that are deemed to enhance the dissemination of the data published at AUSSDA’s repository. The document points out which measures are in place, or will be adopted in the future to enhance the d...

Archiving and Discovering Data: CESSDA Training Webinar

2021 Presentation
This presentation focuses on the last two chapters of the Data Management Expert Guide outlining Archiving and Publishing data discovery. Responsible Open Science Workshop was organised by CESSDA Training and ODISSEI.
Showing 1 to 10 of 25 items