CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: data anonymisation Clear tag
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 items
Qualitative Data Anonymisation: FORS Webinar
2022 Presentation
This webinar gives an introduction to the key principles of qualitative data anonymization and guides researchers through the different techniques for anonymising their data, as well as file handling procedures. It also addressed some common concerns expressed by researchers, and how to possibly...
Quantitative Data Anonymisation: FORS Webinar
2022 Presentation
This webinar provides key concepts on anonymization in social science research to help researchers to develop an appropriate strategy, and to provide the main techniques for anonymising your quantitative data.
De-identifying Qualitative Data: IASSIST Webinar
2022 Presentation
De-identifying qualitative data poses unique challenges given their structure and contextual richness. As the sharing of qualitative data is becoming more common, reliably de-identifying such data is crucial because participants in qualitative research projects commonly receive assurances of conf...
Recommended Datachecks
This STATA do-file contains commands that proved useful for data checks. This by no means indicates that all necessary checks are part of this Do-File. It opens data from a SIP; saves to AIP; their quality and anonymisation checks are done; after checking the DIP is generated including long-term...
Amnesia Anonymization Tool
Amnesia is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms relational and transactional databases to dataset where formal privacy guaranties hold. Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity: the original data are transformed by generalizing (i.e., replacing one va...
Data anonymisation: legal, ethical, and strategic considerations : FORS Guide No. 11, Version 1.1
2022 Document
Drawing on the Swiss context, this Guide illustrates key considerations in crafting a coherent anonymization strategy that is compliant with legal requirements and ethical norms. It shows how to strike the right balance between anonymization and other data protection measures, namely informed con...
Data Management Guidelines - CSDA
2018 Webpage
This webpage from CSDA is an example of the guidance that an archive can develop to help data producers with data management. Topics covered are: Data file structure, Variables, Variable values and coding, Missing values, Data entry and data file integrity, Anonymisation, Weighting, Data file doc...
Consultancy on anonymization checks for open-access data
Subject: Consultancy on anonymization checks for quantitative data and qualitative text data
Description: AUSSDA is willing to share its anonymisation practices for the ingest of quantitative data and qualitative text data. The Austrian archive has extensive workflows and checklists to make sure...
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 items