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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items

Preparing your data for deposit in SWISSUbase

A guide how to prepare data to be deposited at SWISSUbase.

Archiving and Data Sharing: FORS Webinar

2021 Presentation
The webinar introduces researchers to the importance of data sharing and some key requirements to make data sharable, such as consent, documentation and anonymization. It then presented different solutions for data sharing and present in greater depth the new FORS online repository SWISSUbase. By...

Data Protection Policy

FORS does everything possible to provide open and easy access to data, while at the same time protecting the confidentiality of research participants and the rights of the data depositors. They rely on a combination of basic anonymization techniques (e.g., taking out identifying variables), acces...

Self deposit manual : Self-depositing data at AUSSDA

2020 Document
AUSSDA provides this manual to guide AUSSDA accredited self-depositors through the self-deposit process. The manual offers guidance on the entire deposit process and provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how data and documentation material need to be prepared in order to be ready for the...

sdcMicro: Statistical Disclosure Control Methods for Anonymization of Data and Risk Estimation

2021 Software
This R package can be used for the generation of anonymized (micro)data, i.e. for the creation of public- and scientific-use files. The theoretical basis for the methods implemented can be found in Templ (2017) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50272-4>. Various risk estimation and anonymisation methods are...

Tools and Resources for FAIR Data: SSHOC Webinar

2020 Presentation
How can you make your data FAIR? In this webinar, Anca Vlad — data repository administrator at UK Data Service — will share tools and resources applying to the entire data lifecycle. The knowledge she will share is based on her experience at the UK Data Service. Anca will use, among others, the S...

Research data management - UKDA

Research data management explained in detail by UKDA.
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items