



Training Resources


Presentation: Introduction to the CESSDA Data Catalogue

2020-06-30 Data discovery Presentation Slides
Mari Kleemola introduced the CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC), demonstrated the Catalogues’ ability to harvest metadata from the service providers’ repositories and trained participants how and which metadata to provide in their own repositories to enable integration into the CDC.

Information sheet: Harmonised data for comparative research

2020-06-21 Data discovery Data analysis Information sheet Text
Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries, especially data at the level of individual people and households (microdata). More and more international databases are becoming available to researchers. Some result from cross-national projects adopting ex-ante harmo...

Presentation: Harmonised data for comparative research

2020-06-21 Data discovery Data analysis Presentation Slides
Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries. This CESSDA webinar explores sources of harmonised comparative data and methods and tools for harmonising data. Hosted by Jen Buckley from the UK Data Service, the session includes two expert speakers.

Webinar: Harmonised data for comparative research

2020-06-15 Data discovery Data analysis Webinar Video
Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries. This CESSDA webinar explores sources of harmonised comparative data and methods and tools for harmonising data. Hosted by Jen Buckley from the UK Data Service, the session includes two expert speakers.

Presentation: Data on Aspects of Digital Life

2019-12-17 Data discovery Presentation Slides
How can we understand the impact of computers and the internet on everyday life? Computers, the internet as well as technologies in a broader sense in the digital economy and consequently digital life impact a broad range of economic-societal areas such as health, communication, public governance...

Webinar: Data on Aspects of Digital Life

2019-12-13 Data discovery Data management Webinar Video Video
How can we understand the impact of computers and the internet on everyday life? Hosted by the So.Da.Net network, this webinar explored research and data on the topic. The webinar included two guest speakers. First, Professor Nicolas Demertzis, University of Athens, Director & President of the Go...