CONSORTIUM: 25 beneficiaries
CESSDA ROLE: Beneficiary
DURATION: 2023-2027
BUDGET: 2,999,463.88 €
AGREEMENT NO. 101124559
CESSDA ROLE: Beneficiary
DURATION: 2023-2027
BUDGET: 2,999,463.88 €
AGREEMENT NO. 101124559
(ERIC FORUM I & II) The ERIC Forum Implementation Project, now in its second edition, brings together the ERIC community to strengthen its coordination and enhance its collaborations. The strategic approach of the ERIC Forum will contribute to addressing critical challenges and developing best practices. The European Union’s Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Action fund the projects.
(ERIC FORUM II) The Second Implementation Project (ERIC Forum 2) for the ERIC Forum aims to further structure the cooperation between the ERICs and to support the implementation of the ERICs’ policy, shaping their community identity and consolidating their integration within the European Research Area (ERA).